Terms & Conditions
The essential elements of the coaching psychology relationship, between Client and Coaching Psychologist, is set out within this document.
The client/coaching relationship requires both parties to review and agree to the conditions. By signing and dating this document, before starting the coaching programme, you agree to the terms as set out below.
What is Coaching Psychology?
Coaching Psychology is an active, informal and self-disclosing process that is goal-oriented (Hart et al., 2001). Evidence-based Coaching as defined by Grant (2003) suggests Coaching is grounded in empirical and theoretical knowledge base and not from popular personal development trends.
"Coaching is unlocking a person's potential to maximise their own performance. It is helping them to learn rather than teaching them" (Whitmore, 2009, p. 12)
According to Stober et al., (2006) Coaching Psychology has seven principles:
- Goal setting is an essential element coaching where the coach and client can work together in identify and setting goals around the issues discussed.
- The rationale is the understanding by coach and client in how Coaching fits the needs and situation of the client.
- Procedure or steps that is consistent with the rationale and needs the participation of the client and coach in collaboration.
- The relationship is meaningful and trusting between the client and coach, where the coach works in the best interests of the client.
- An alliance is a collaborative approach where the coach's role is to expand the client's development, performance or skill set with appropriate pacing and maintaining challenge and to facilitate change.
- Client readiness. The extent the client is able and ready to do the work for self-directed learning and personal growth to meet the desired change.
- Coach's role. The extent to which the coach has the skills to facilitate the learning without domain-specific expertise to assist in the clients change.
The Coaching Agreement
- The coaching sessions will be focused purely on the client's agenda
- Coaching is about helping the client to discover improved ways to identify and make progress in their personally identified goals.
- Coaching is non-judgmental. The coach may ask many questions while working with the client to explore new perspectives and possible solutions.
- The coach supports the client to explore and identify resources that can enhance their personal performance.
- The coach supports the client to reduce and adapt their internal dialogue that may be causing interference.
- The coach will engage in direct ad personal conversations. Successful Coaching requires a proactive, collaborative approach between the client and coach.
- The coach is the facilitator of change, but it is the client's responsibility to enact and bring about the change.
All sessions are strictly confidential. However, if during the session, evidence of illegal activity or the potential for harm to the client or others is disclosed, the coach may be obligated to inform the appropriate authorities and so be unable to maintain complete client confidentiality. Wherever possible any such contact would be made with the client's consent and permission.
Coaching Services
- The coach will use techniques, in which they have researched and trained.
- Psychological principles and evidence underpin all techniques used.
- The coaching services may be provided either via face-to-face or online video call coaching sessions.
- The date and duration are agreed between the client and the coach. The client will respond to any dates offered by the coach within 48 hours.
- If the client needs to postpone a session, they will give as much notice as possible.
- The coach is bound by the following code of ethics as set out by the British Psychological Society.
Code of Ethics
"Psychologists value the dignity and worth of all persons, with sensitivity to the dynamics of perceived authority or influence over persons and people and with particular regards to people's rights."
"Psychologists value the continuing development and maintenance of high standards of competence in their professional work and the importance of working within the recognised limits of their knowledge, skill, training, education and experience"
"Psychologists value their responsibilities to persons and peoples, to the general public, and to the profession and science of Psychology, including the avoidance of harm and the prevention of misuse or abuse of their contribution to society"
"Psychologists value honesty, probity, accuracy, clarity and fairness in their interactions with all persons and peoples, and seek to promote integrity in all facets of their scientific and professional endeavors."
Payment must be received via the payment link at least 24 hours before the agreed booked session.
Commitment from the Coaching Psychologist
As your Coach, I will remain committed to you and focused on your goals.
I will use the full range of techniques in my repertoire to allow you to fulfil the changes and goals you have identified.
I will facilitate the resolution of the issues raised, that is interfering with your performance and with you taking action.
June 2022