Discover Coaching Package
Silver Coaching Package
Discover Coaching Package includes:
Four 1-hour structured coaching sessions.
- Session 1: An introduction to the ACT framework and how you can use it.
- Session 2: Exploring and defining your personal values.
- Session 3: Explores unhelpful thinking patterns.
- Session 4: Explores overcoming unhelpful thinking and behaviours with mindfulness.
Have you had your Free 30 Minute discovery call? If not, you can book yours and see if we will be a good fit.
If we have already chatted and you are keen to get cracking on your personal development planning just select the number of coaching sessions or package you need let’s get started! Use the booking link to schedule your first meeting (remember to select the one-hour option!)
Coaching sessions are either online video calls or face-to-face at a mutually agreed venue.